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Our Facility

Heterogeneity and inconsistency are the two major problems of the tissue arrays made from donor paraffin-embedded tissue blocks that are collected from multiple pathology centers. These problems are closely associated with different fixation and processing methods/standards applied in various laboratories.

We acquire fresh tissues directly from our collaborative hospitals. The tissues are promptly fixed (typically within 30 mins of removal) in 10% NBF, and sent to our tissue array center where they are processed, embedded, sectioned and validated all under one roof. As a result, our tissue arrays are made from tissue samples with the following features:


1.    Collected under strict guidelines

2.    Uniform quality - fixed and processed using the same optimal protocols

3.    Large tissue volumes ensuring lasting supply of the same products

Quickarrays, Inc.  has a well-equipped tissue processing center with strict SOPs dedicated to tissue bank services and tissue array production.

The center is optimally set-up to achieve consistency in tissue processing

Optimal fixation and specially formulated dehydration and embedding procedures lead to production of tissue blocks with uniform quality

With high quality paraffin-embedded tissues we can create array blocks with various core sizes, ranging from 1mm to 8mm in any required formats.

Stringent QA/QC procedures and professional design are adapted to ensure the highest tissue array quality.

Quickarrays currently makes three major categories of tissue arrays:
1. Arrays for IHC/ISH/FISH controls;
2. Arrays for research and drug discovery;
3. Arrays for education and training.

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