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Custom TMA block types: We can make custom TMAs either using Quickarrays's FFPE tissue blocks or customers’ FFPE tissue blocks.

  1.  Animal and human paraffin tissue blocks;

  2.  Small biopsy or needle biopsy paraffin blocks;

  3.  Cell paraffin blocks;

  4.  Turnaround time: 1 to 3 weeks per TMA block, depending on the TMA complexity;

  5.  We guarantee the section yield per TMA block, if the TMA sections are cut by us.

TMA block construction and sectioning: Required information and customer requests.

  1. Core size and core number. We can do 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 4.5mm;

  2. Format or layout drawn out in graphic with orientation. The optimal core numbers per block are <150 for 1mm core, <100 for 1.5mm, <50 for   2mm; <15 for 4.5mm;

  3. *H&E slides for the donor blocks;

  4. Basic donor block information (mainly case number, diagnosis)  in an excel table;

  5. *Marks for the coring area in the H&E slides and/or donor blocks;

  6. Custom TMA block QC test, and TMA section cutting. With our special cutting techniques, we can guarantee all TMA sections with <10% missing rate;

  7. Requests for TMA sections on customer slides, and paraffin sealing;

  8. Requests for subsequent TMA block repairs, core replacements;

  9. We will return all the donor/recipient blocks, H&E stained sections to our customers.

       "*" - optional.  Our pathologists can help our customers do these with additional costs.

To request a quote, please email us at or fill out our quote form.

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