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Heterogeneity and inconsistency are the two major problems for tissue based protein, RNA or DNA studies. These problems are closely associated with different fixation and processing methods/standards applied in various laboratories where paraffin-embedded tissue blocks are collected. To ensure high quality of our paraffin-embedded tissue samples, we have established the followings (also see “Facility”):

1.  Optimal fixation: We acquire fresh tissues directly from our collaborative hospitals. The tissues are promptly fixed (typically within 30 mins of removal) in 10% NBF;

2.  Uniform quality: All the samples are sent  and processed in our dedicated processing center using the same SOPs;

3.  Large size:  Our tissue blocks are mainly made for our tissue array production. As a result, they  are generally large in volume (most of them are >1.5cm X 1cm X 0.3cm).

We prefer to provide fresh-cut tissue sections. For more information, please Click “here” .

Quickarrays's Tissue Blocks: We have been collecting and processing  tissues from our collaborative hospitals for more than 10 years, with an inventory of  >100,000 cases. Our tissue bank is one of largest private ones, if it is not the largest privately owned tissue bank. For many common tumors, we can easily provide over 1000 cases for each entity  to support any large scale study.  We can also provide tissue samples for common experimental animals based customer’s needs.

Clinical Information:  All human tissue samples contain sex, age, anatomic site and pathology diagnosis. Tumor samples also contain  grade and TNM stage. Only a few TMAs have treatment and follow-up data.

For bulk, special orders, or price quote, please email at or fill out our quote form.

Purchasing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Click “here” for more information.

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